Eye Tracking Used in Catalogue Testing

October 05, 2015 beauty, catalogue, oriflame
Oriflame Cosmetics, Sweden, sells beauty products direct in 60 countries around the world. The Oriflame catalogue is a key sales tool and carrier for brand communication. Oriflame collaborated with Tobii Insight Research Services in an eye tracking study to quantify and analyze the experience of how customers view the catalogue. The results from the eye tracking study are now used by the catalogue design team for creating future Oriflame catalogues.

¨Tobii has helped us to create eye tracking research setups and translate data into actionable insights which benefit our business.¨,
Hubert Smurawa, Global Innovation Business Development Manager, Oriflame

Read more about Tobii Insight Research Services here: http://www.tobii.com/en/eye-tracking-research/global/services/tobii-insight-projects/
